How to Prepare Your Website for Google AI Search?

The days are gone when SEO was all about link building. Search engines evolve faster so does the SEO industry. In order to match the leg with the constant changes, experts of SEO industries are always come up with new techniques and ways. Statistical analysis and Penguin update are one of the best examples of this. Did you ever try to know what drives these changes? Well, it the constant emergence of new technologies that lead to such changes.

Today is the era of artificial intelligence aka AI where it is responsible for answering for than 30% of search queries. As more and more people rely on this disruptive technology, popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, MSN etc starts using this technology to give users a brilliant search experience. If you want to prepare your website for Google AI search, you should read the blog below to know some tricks and tweaks that will help you in making your site ready for Google AI search.

Preparing your site for Google AI search does not mean that you have to ignore traditional SEO works and ranking factors. All you need to do is a little improvement to get a good visibility in the Google AI search.

  • Select Your Keywords Smartly

Keyword density is the matter of past. Today, using exact match keyword phrase is also not going to help you that much. If you want to prepare your website for Google AT search, you should take your time to gather keywords data and create keywords that have the potential of representing common keyword phrases.

It will be not wrong to say that you can create a powerful page based on the keyword that has the potential to rank even on similar search queries.

  • Predictive Analytics Is the Key

Identifying the users’ requirements as well as having knowledge of user’s search behavior is very important to make your site ready for Google AI search. You can use tools that can help you in predicting users needs and search behavior like Google keyword planner, Google Knowledge Graph, SEMrush. Though they are much popular tools, but they provide old data which will not help in predicting the future requirements of the users.

Instead of sticking to these tools, you should find some more advanced predictive keyword research tools to identify the future requirements of the users.

  • Pay Attention to Voice Search

Nowadays, a large percentage of searches have been conducted through voice. As more and more people are turning towards voice searches, using conversational keyword become more important to drive traffic and boost the organic ranking of the website. As AI can learn and adapt instantly, using conversational keywords will make the work of search engine optimization quite easier.

These are some of the tricks and tweaks which you can use to make your site ready for Google AI searches. The relation between search engines like Google and business websites has been like cat and mouse. If you want to win in this race, you should hire a team of professional for SEO services in Ireland. Have no idea from where you should start If yes, visit The Digital Department.

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